It’s that time of the year again… Valentine’s Day is officially here. Whether you plan on spending this holiday solo or with your significant other, we strongly suggest incorporating some THC into your plans and we’re gonna tell you exactly why.
It’s no secret that people look to weed to relax and unwind, get better sleep, and boost their mood, but we now have researchers actually studying the link between cannabis and sexual desire. In an article published by CNN, researchers asked over 28,000 women and almost 23,000 men how often they had sex in the four weeks prior to taking the survey. Researchers also asked how frequently each participant consumed cannabis in the past year. Low and behold, the results showed that women who consumed cannabis reported having more sex in the previous four weeks on average, in comparison to those who didn’t, and the results were the same for the male participants (but are we really that surprised?).
So this got us thinking… If we conducted our own survey, would we find similar results? Well, we decided to do just that and we figured, who better to ask than Dr. Dabber users, themselves, right?
The Study
You may have seen our Instagram and Facebook stories earlier this month. In total, we surveyed over 1000 individuals to get a better understanding of their cannabis use habits and whether or not these habits impacted their sexual interactions/desires at all. We asked a variety of questions about survey respondents’ smoking habits and how weed plays a role in their sex lives, if at all.
The Results
We found that 88% of survey respondents had consumed cannabis at least once before or while being on a date.
A whopping 93% of survey respondents reported having consumed cannabis at least once before intimacy. With such an overwhelming “yes” response, we’re sure you’re wondering why (don’t worry, we’ll get to that). We also asked if consuming before intimacy improved the user’s overall experience sexually and 86% of respondents reported “yes” for this question too.
When asked what people liked most about being high during intimacy, we saw a variety of responses. While the new data suggests that sex is better high, answers to an open-ended survey question uncovered that people are more satisfied sexually when they combine cannabis and intimacy, because it allows for a deeper connection between partners. Scientific data suggests that cannabis has shown to activate ‘flow’, a mindset where you are completely focused on the task at hand. This means, couples who consume cannabis before intimacy find it easier to connect with and focus on partners; therefore, reducing outside anxieties and thoughts. Another reason intimacy is more pleasurable while consuming cannabis is because THC can cause a body high, slowing down rapid communication within the nervous system while increasing sensory reactions.
Several survey responses referenced mental benefits such as being “more focused on how I feel than how I look”, “eases anxiety”, and “able to be more relaxed and open”. Other responses focused on the physical benefits of getting high before sex like “more sensitivity”, a “body buzz”, “better orgasms” and multiple male users reported being able to “last longer”.
That’s not all. Our survey found that cannabis use was also linked to better orgasms. 84% of survey respondents said they were able to achieve better orgasms while being high.
The last thing we examined was if cannabis use affected relationships overall and we found that consuming cannabis has had a positive impact–82% of users said they felt their relationship was in a better place because they consumed cannabis. Maybe the saying “couples who smoke together, stay together” is true, after all.
Add Some THC Into Your Sex Life
We obviously know how beneficial cannabis can be for the mind and body, but it’s great to see research now being conducted when it comes to how this plant helps our sex lives. Now, we’re no sex therapists but the data speaks for itself. If you’ve never tried weed and sex together (solo or with a partner), we suggest giving it a try! Head to your local dispensary to grab some wax, and order one of our vape kits for next time.
Did you agree with the survey respondents? Did you disagree? Do you want to see more studies like this from us? Let us know on social media!