All Articles By Dr. Dabber Dr Dina Chats with the Dr. Dabber Team The Dr Dabber team sat down and talked with Dr. Dina from Cannabis Radio about the recent announcement from the FDA regarding the regulation of vaporizers. The Dr Dabber team sat down and talked with Dr. Dina from Cannabis Radio about the recent announcement from the FDA regarding the regulation of vaporizers. LISTEN TO THE SHOW: The final rule will subject all manufacturers, importers and/or retailers of newly-regulated tobacco products to any applicable provisions related to tobacco products in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and FDA regulations, including: Registering manufacturing establishments and providing product listings to the FDA; Reporting ingredients, and harmful and potentially harmful constituents; Requiring premarket review and authorization of new tobacco products by the FDA; Placing health warnings on product packages and advertisements; and Not selling modified risk tobacco products (including those described as “light,” “low,” or “mild”) unless authorized by the FDA. In addition, there are several provisions aimed at restricting youth access to tobacco products, including: Not allowing products to be sold to persons under the age of 18 years (both in-person and online); Requiring age verification by photo ID; Not allowing the selling of tobacco products in vending machines (unless in an adult-only facility); and Not allowing the distribution of free samples.